Between Goode Company BBQ and Saltgrass Steakhouse on the Katy Freeway. Convenient parking in our own lot directly in front of our building. Easy access from I – 10 east or west. Same location since 1974.
Open Monday – Friday 10:00 – 7:00
Saturday 10:00 – 6:00
Sunday 12:00 – 6:00
Open 7 days a week
Rain or Shine
We offer “while you wait” services including scope mounting, swivel installation and Modern sporting rifle (AR-15) accessory installation. We can also send guns to our shooting range for sight ins and have them back within 5 days or less.
Ten full and one part-time employees, 3 of which have been with the company over 30 years, one over 20 and 2 over 14 years. Many years of shooting, hunting and outdoor experience in the United States and Africa.
Being located on Interstate 10 headed out of Houston makes this location a great place to stop and get all of your last minute hunting needs as well as browse magnificent collection of whitetail trophies, many included in the book “Big Rack” the staff has 100 years of service and sales knowledge so someone will definitely have the answer to your question. Hundreds of guns and 1000’s of rounds of ammunition in stock and ready for your purchase. All of your shooting, cleaning and reloading items on hand